Radiology Training Programs In Massachusetts (MA)

Radiology Training Programs in Massachusetts (MA)

Get your Radiologic Technologist degree in the Bay State where you can choose from a wide range of schools offering on site or online courses from the Coastal Lowland to the Taconic Mountains. Some of the best schools are located in the Boston and Worcester metro areas where you can enjoy the culture and nightlife in your free time. Spend some time to examine our lists of schools and enroll today.

As a Massachusetts Radiologic Technologist, you will:

  1. Use imaging equipment for procedures such as sonograms or Radiologic
  2. Work in a hospital, physician’s office or imaging clinic
  3. Diagnose medical conditions
  4. Ensure patient’s needs are met

Some career figures for Radiologic Technologist professionals in Massachusetts:

  1. Average annual salary: $79,650
  2. Currently employed: 1,390
  3. Employment outlook: 44% Growth over the next ten years
  4. Most popular degrees: Associate’s Degree, Professional Certificate

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database..

Bunker Hill Community College
Radiologic Technology

Radiologic Technology General Program

Radiologic Technology Vascular Program

Medical Imaging Department
250 New Rutherford Avenue
Boston, MA 02129-2925

Middlesex Community College

Radiologic Technology General Program
Springs Road - Building 6
Bedford, MA 01730

Springfield Technical Community College

Radiologic Technology General Program
One Armory Square, Suite 1
PO Box 9000
Springfield, MA 01102