Radiology Training Programs In Alabama (AL)

Radiology Training Programs in Alabama (AL)

Enroll with of the acclaimed and accredited Radiologic schools in Alabama and begin a career as an Radiologic Technologist today. From the Gulf Coast to the Highland Ridge, the Yellowhammer State has as much to offer in the field of medical Radiologic as it does in history and culture. Choose from Radiology Technician Schools in one of the metropolitan areas like Mobile, Montgomery, and Birmingham or study online at one of Alabama’s institutions offering Internet classes.

As an Alabama Radiologic technician, you will:

  1. Use imaging equipment for procedures such as sonograms or Radiologic
  2. Work in a hospital, physician's office or imaging clinic
  3. Diagnose medical conditions
  4. Ensure patient's needs are met

Some career figures for Radiologic technician professionals in Alabama:

  1. Average annual salary: $49,720
  2. Currently employed: 920
  3. Employment outlook: 44% Growth over the next ten years
  4. Most popular degrees: Associate’s Degree, Professional Certificate

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.

H. Councill Trenholm State Community College

Radiologic Technology General Program
1225 Air Base Blvd
PO Box 10048
Montgomery, AL 36108

Institute of Radiologic Diagnostics

Radiologic Technology General Program
One Timber Way
Suite 102
Spanish Fort, AL 36527

Lurleen B. Wallace Community College

Radiologic Technology General Program
1708 North Main Street
PO Box 910
Opp, AL 36467

Virginia College at Birmingham

Radiologic Technology General Program

Radiologic Technology Vascular Program

488 Palisades Blvd
Birmingham, AL 35209

Wallace State Community College

Radiologic Technology General Program
801 Main Street NW
PO Box 2000
Hanceville, AL 35077